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Программы 1СРазделы каталогаПопулярные программы 1СРазделы каталога1С:ERPОбъекты каталога10 Signs You Should Invest in iКомментарийОсновные параметры10 Signs You Should Invest in iСвойства комментария<a href=https://www.webix3.com/>우리카지노</a> Govt under the pump over latest leak Rajan's tweet came after the state government on Sunday night confirmed the leak of a secret dossier about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The document, obtained by NDTV's Rupa Hegde, stated that "RBI had recently met finance minister Arun Jaitley and decided to cut interest payments for three years in favour of banks. The minister also gave instructions to reduce interest rates on certain bank loans from 4.25% to 3% as per RBI guidelines." For the first time, the details of the letter leaked by BJP MLA Yogesh Roudhury's son Rahul Roudhury's office, which was signed by a minister and detailed the RBI cuts in April last year, have been revealed. "To all those with direct knowledge of this important matter, I shall say that RBI has been advised for the past 3 months by its senior leaders about the reasons for cuts in interest rates and it has informed the finance ministry that the interest payable will also be cut in the coming months," the letter added. Sources said Rajan's tweet about the leak was likely to fuel suspicion about him. A senior Congress leader said, "He has to know there is a bigger leak than even the leak related to Jaitley's letter to finance minister Arun Jaitley." He also questioned Rajan's competence. For all the latest India News, download Indian Express App © IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd <a href=https://www.uzgitwebtasarim.com/>카지노사이트</a>Thu, 16 Jul 2020 12:25:29 +0300Аноним (aft@catch@tale.gasbin.com)